These Latinos are blowing up the blogosphere to create change and connect with their communities
SCOUR COMMENTS IN THE MORNING OVER BREAKFAST. Measure analytics and traffic stats at noon. Check social media feeds before bedtime. It’s all in a day’s work for Latino bloggers.
Just how many Latino bloggers are there? While it’s a number that’s hard to quantify, the nonprofit Latinos in Social Media (LATISM) received responses from more than 12,000 bloggers when it released its Latino Blogosphere Survey.
The survey revealed that the top three blogging topics are Latino issues (making up 45 percent), followed by social good and education. A common thread through the responses showed a link between the bloggers’ deep connection to their community and faith and the idea of harnessing blogs as tools for change.
From General Mills to Johnson & Johnson to Toyota, McDonald’s, Target and more, large corporate brands have noticed the power of Latino bloggers, and have chosen t engage through partnerships and sponsorships. The White House even hosted a briefing for LATISM women bloggers in May. More than 75 Latina bloggers attended to get information, debate and brainstorm solutions on education, health, helping children with disabilities, student loans, nutrition, child obesity and jobs, among others.
Whether they blog in their free time outside 9 to 5 or have made it their full-time gig, these six bloggers’ are getting people to take notice.
–Ashley Cisneros
Ashley Cisneros is a co-founder of Chatter Buzz Media, an Orlando Internet marketing firm that helps companies and organizations engage with their target markets through inbound marketing via the Internet. Chatter Buzz Media, which won the Social Madness competition for the Orlando small business market, is a full-service digital marketing firm specializing in website design, search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing and content creation. Prior to founding Chatter Buzz, Ashley worked as a newspaper reporter, magazine editor, technical writer, marketing manager, public relations practitioner and freelance journalist. To see Ashley’s content writing, visit You can also reach Ashley on her Google profile.
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