

Florida Trend NEXT: Being All She Can Be

By | 2017-04-28T07:32:40+00:00 December 21st, 2008|Categories: Blog, Samples|Tags: , , |

Katherine Lucier knew she wanted three things when she graduated from high school — a chance to get out of the house, a job and money. During her senior year, she decided to meet with an army recruiter to discuss her future after two of her close friends joined the Army and the Navy. By February 2006, Katherine [...]

Lake City Reporter Newspaper: American Legion Donates Flags to County Schools

By | 2017-04-28T07:32:46+00:00 February 11th, 2005|Categories: Blog, News, Samples|Tags: , , , |

Columbia County schools are receiving 600 new American flags, thanks to the American Legion. "The American Legion voted unanimously to purchase flags for the Columbia County schools," said John Pierce, commander of the American Legion. "We believe in patriotism." The group is made up of individuals who served in the armed forces or who have family members [...]