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Little Kids in Grown Bodies: Thoughts on Mental Health

By | 2019-06-15T03:11:05+00:00 June 15th, 2019|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

  Everyone we meet is just an adult version of the child they once were. We are all just carrying our trauma and experiences and navigating through life around others who are also dealing with their own trauma and learned behavior. We’re all walking around seeing the world through perspectives based on our experiences and [...]

Mentioned in the Hispanic Chamber’s Weekly E-newsletter

By | 2017-04-28T07:32:26+00:00 April 5th, 2012|Categories: Blog, News|Tags: , , , , , |

The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Metro Orlando featured photos from the Downtown Leads Group event. I was honored to speak about social media at this event. Ashley speaking about social media at City National Bank Check out the newsletter here! You can view more photos here: --Ashley Cisneros ***************************************************************************** Ashley Cisneros [...]